What Does Mold Smell Like: Homeowner’s Guide (2024)

what does mold smell like

Mold is a common issue for homeowners and renters, and its presence can often be detected by its distinct smell. This guide will help you understand what mold smells like and why it’s important to address it. Mold, a type of fungus, grows in warm, damp, and humid places. You might find it on wood, […]

What Kills Mold: Safe and Effective Methods (2024)

what kills mold

Mold is a common fungus that loves damp and humid places. While some types of mold are harmless, others can be very dangerous, especially for people with weak immune systems, respiratory issues, or allergies. Knowing what kills mold is essential for maintaining a safe environment. Having mold in your home or workplace is a serious […]

What Happens When You Eat Mold: Doctor’s Advice 2024

what happens when you eat mold

Mold can pop up in all sorts of places, like the fuzzy growth on forgotten bread or the unsightly patches on damp walls. We usually react with a strong “yuck” at the sight of mold, but sometimes we might accidentally eat it without realizing it. Maybe you’ve taken a bite of a moldy apple or […]